Wordscapes Solver

A Wordscapes solver which uses combinations of letters to find all possible words in under a second.

Project Overview

Challenge: Make a program that given letters can outpput all possible words in seconds. ​

Tools: Go ​

Team: Joshua Fried (solo project)

How it Works

The user enters go run wordscape.go into the command line. My program will then prompt the use to enter the letters. After the user enters the letters the program will output the answers. It finds the answers by using a combination of all the letters for 3, 4, 5 and 6 letter words from a word list of over 43000 words.

How to Play


Wordscapes has many levels and a level is won by finding all the possible words that can be made from a combination of letters.

Wordscapes Image 1 Wordscapes Image 2 Wordscapes Image 3

The level was completed only using the words from my program. My program can solve any Wordscapes level and comes up with the answers in under a second.

My Project:

Wordscapes Image 4